
AAEE primarily serves the following three groups:

  • School systems (primary contacts tend to be teacher recruiters, but this institutional-level membership includes unlimited representation)
  • Post-secondary institutions (primary contacts tend to be career services professionals, but this institutional-level membership includes unlimited representation)
  • Educator candidates (individual membership)

We also have membership levels for affiliated organizations, both non-profit and for-profit.

  • Individual Professional
    12 months
    Package price

    For professionals involved with teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention, AAEE offers opportunities to 1) participate in the National Working Group on Teacher Retention, 2) connect and build relationships with other education professionals through access to our membership directory and committee participation, 3) attend our national conference at a discounted rate, 4) access all AAEE webinars, including recordings of previous presentations, and 5) receive discounts on single copies of the Job Search Handbook for Educators.

  • Educator Candidate
    12 months
    Package price

    For educator candidates seeking additional supports, this AAEE membership offers opportunities to 1) connect and build relationships with education professionals in universities, school systems, and affiliated organizations who want to help you succeed, 2) attend AAEE-hosted webinars at no cost to learn how to navigate the job search process and prepare to teach, 3) purchase a discounted copy (print or digital) of the Job Search Handbook for Educators to improve your preparation, and 4) receive priority notice of AAEE's teacher job fairs which provide the opportunity to connect with school systems from across the country.

  • Special: Retired/Out-of-Field
    12 months
    Package price

    Retired from a school system or post-secondary institutions, but want to stay involved with matters involving teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention? This AAEE membership offers opportunities for you to 1) connect and build relationships through AAEE's Member Directory, LinkedIn Group, and committee participation with professionals in other education organizations who share your passion for teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention, 2) receive a free e-copy (or discounted printed copy) of our annual Educator Supply and Demand Report, 3) receive free access to attend AAEE-hosted webinars and read our blog posts to learn the latest best practices and innovative approaches, 4) purchase a discounted single copy (print or digital) of the Job Search Handbook for Educators, 5) receive discounted registration to attend AAEE's Annual Conference in October for a 3-day "deep dive" with fellow professionals into topics related to teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention, 6) and participate in an annual cohort of AAEE's National Working Group on Teacher Retention, conducted in partnership with Upbeat!